ABY™ Sublina

Yarn For Fashion and Apparel

Product Description

ABY dedicated to creating new ideas within our product category. we introduce ABY Sublina are made from fine polyester & viscose  yarn with beautiful, textured weaves — adding a natural softness and a sense of understated luxury to your product. It is more durable than real linen yet soft and supple.

  • Durable
  • Soft and Supple
  • Beautiful, Textured Weaves


Composition Count Range
Sublina 1101 - 93% Rayon 7% Special Polyester 20s to 30s
Melina 1601 - 93% Rayon 7% Special Polyester 20s to 30s
Knit Apparel
Count Range indicated are for single yarns. We can supply yarns in Ply : Single, Double & Multi-folds.


ABY™ Creeper

ABY™ Flexo

ABY™ Style